As the leader of a secret organization known as The Cabal, you will be fighting against a global conspiracy committed to controlling the world. Develop your base of operations in the shadows, investigating cases, training agents, forging documents and identities, researching new tech, and interrogating and brainwashing enemies for strategic advantage.
Campaign missions encourage player choice with a variety of unique encounters; drop your operatives into the field with heavy weapons for an all-out siege, or deploy them incognito for a quieter stealth assault.
Travis is a graduate of SUNY Fredonia with a BA in journalism. He has had a passion for gaming ever since he played Pokémon Red Version and Donkey Kong 64. Some of his all-time favorite titles include Halo Reach, Spec Ops: The Line and Fallout: New Vegas. In his free time, Travis enjoys making a hot mess of himself and making situations awkward. Finger guns and puns are his specialties.