Pocket Mirror Review
When I think of Pocket Mirror, I'm reminded of this quote from the Lilly Atlas book, Acer: “Through darkness comes light, through fear comes love, and through pain comes triumph.” Pocket...
When I think of Pocket Mirror, I'm reminded of this quote from the Lilly Atlas book, Acer: “Through darkness comes light, through fear comes love, and through pain comes triumph.” Pocket...
Review copy provided by Thorium Entertainment I think it is safe to say that roguelikes are gaining in popularity as a genre in video games. We are seeing more and...
There are a lot of puzzle games out there. And I don’t know about you, but there’s a place in my library for a game that I can turn to...
As developers Team Lazerbeam put it, Teenage Blob bursts onto the scene with bright colors, an album of music, and a heartfelt purpose. Right from the get-go, it is clear...
Gameplay might be the primary focus of most games, but gaming is also a platform that is able to tell stories in unique ways thanks to the levels of interactivity...
Waking by Jason Oda is a game that attempts this balancing act of catharsis and entertainment. Released on Steam on the 18th of June 2020, it blends combat with existential...
Infinite - Beyond the Mind is described by the official Nintendo Switch site as a slick 2D action-platformer. The developer, Emilie Coyo, has also noted in a press release that...
Communication is complex. All of us will have experienced instances of communication gone wrong and what disastrous effects it can have. By using a simple card game, Signs of the...
With a looming deadline for Flash’s demise, you would think that all Flash games will fall by the wayside soon, but one game continues to flourish in these trying times....
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a barista at a coffee shop? Well, Coffee Talk might be your kind of game. Coffee talk is a...
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