Beak Feather + bone is a new map labeling RPG on Kickstarter that has easily smashed its goal of 1,000 US dollars and has since raised over 20,000 US dollars.
Pitched as a collaborative world-building tool, Beak Feather + Bone has you building out a city, claiming and describing locations along the way. Each player is assigned one of 11 community roles and quickly you start setting up buildings by picking cards to assign there reputation, appearance and interior, otherwise known as Beak Feather and Bone.
The setup quickly allows a unique narrative to be built among you and your friends and the prospect sounds really neat. Their are 52 cards in the deck, so many different narratives can play out.
The Beak Feather + Bone labeling system can be used with any maps, provided they are unlabeled. But the default map designed by Jonathan Yee will easily suffice if you aren’t interested in looking for any other map.
You also have many different variants apart from the competitive default style play. But there are also options for solo play or cooperative play, or even more, role-playing style plays with focused characters.

The community members are illustrated by Austin Breed. Described as raven folk with a western flair, it brings a very distinct aesthetic to the game. It reminds me of Team Cherry’s Hollow Knight and really stands out amongst other map RPG’s and card games alike. It looks gorgeous overall.
As for the Zine Quest, it’s written by the creator Tyler Crumrine and all finished up already. With over 50 books under his belt, suffice to say he’s already got plenty of experience backing what looks to be a very engaging game. Purchasing it is a pretty safe bet.
This RPG is all set to be off and delivered after the Kickstarter ends. With all the artists being paid, the game is all finished and printed and ready for shipment. The Kickstarter is purely to keep the creative Tyler Crumrine successfully working as a full time creative.
Backing serves as a preorder at this point with the goal being smashed by 2000%. But backing also provides the opportunity to purchase any future Beak Feather + Bone‘s content early.
With the Kickstarter ending soon, be sure to check out Beak Feather + Bones and get your orders in. Check it out here!