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Todd Howard to Present New ‘Indie’ Edition of Skyrim at IndieCade

IndieCade 2019 is coming around late this year with new indie games being announced and awards being given out. But in a surprising twist, one AAA company will be there to announce their “new” indie game, Skyrim: Indie Edition.
“In just one month, we’ll begin the epic journey into the vast unknown of game development,” said Todd Howard in an interview with Polygon. “We’ll be rebuilding Skyrim from the ground up with Unity, a team of three, and a dream.”
According to Howard, the team of three will work long hours revamping the province of Skyrim in Unity, right down to the “Made in Unity: Personal Edition” splash screen. Some of the major changes include redubbing the voice acting to just two people on their cell phones, cutting the story by three quarters and replacing dragons with serpents.
“We don’t have the budget for wings,” he said. “Other than that, Skyrim: Indie Edition will contain basically everything the original Skyrim has to offer, but with much more wear and tear on the development team. To replicate financial struggles, we’ve decided to have their paychecks garnished to replicate financial struggles.”
Howard also notes that to make the experience more immersive, the development team has been moved into a studio apartment where they work, eat and sleep.
“Jumping into modern indie game development is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and, with this project, I can say I think we nailed it right on the head with this one.”
Fans that are already aboard the hype train are eagerly awaiting the full-fledged PowerPoint announcement at IndieCade 2019. If you can’t wait and want to reserve your copy now, Skyrim: Indie Edition has three bundles available on their official website. The base game, the Collector’s Edition, and the Ultimate Indie HD Version.
The Collector’s Edition will contain a bottle of Skooma, replicated by a glass bottle of grape soda and the collector’s bag, a handcrafted paper bag with the Skyrim logo glued on it. The Ultimate Indie HD Version, meanwhile, is literally just 2011’s The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
To find out more about this announcement and what to expect from Skyrim: Indie Edition, click here.

This article was made for April Fools Day 2019. Please don’t sue us, Bethesda.
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