Indie Game “Ancient Cities” Successfully Funded Via Kickstarter
After a 14 day campaign, developer Uncasual Games has successfully kickstarted their new survival strategy game, Ancient Cities. Their official Twitter account announced that...
After a 14 day campaign, developer Uncasual Games has successfully kickstarted their new survival strategy game, Ancient Cities. Their official Twitter account announced that...
It is often referred to as the "Netflix of Gaming." Overall, it is an accurate sentiment. However, unlike Netflix, Utomik choose an...
Osmotic Studios, the developers behind Orwell, took the concept of "less is more" and rolled with it. It's a bold strategy, but...
Conarium is a carefully crafted horror game that serves as an homage to American author H.P. Lovecraft. More specifically, this title...
Scorch can be looked to as a good example of a missed opportunity. As a whole, the sidescroller post-apocalyptic shooter...
I know, the title sounds a bit dramatic, but being someone who spent an unhealthy amount of my younger years...
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